Sequencher gene codes
Sequencher gene codes

sequencher gene codes

It saves time and money and provides access to innovation while maintaining compliance with an organization’s procurement policies. is the world's largest enterprise marketplace for outsourced R&D services. Once you set up a marketplace account you can start the ordering process immediately. Interested in connecting with one or more of the contract research organizations listed on this map? By clicking on the company’s name, you will be directed to their supplier profile on the marketplace. You can find our FAQs and contact information on the Learn more page. Have questions or feedback? We’d love to help. We hope this contract research map allows you to find the right partner in the right place at the right time. Sometimes, finding a CRO based in a country that best suits your research needs is imperative. But there are many other circumstances such as international customs regulations or sensitive shipping times that create limitations around which countries are feasible to partner with. Like many industries,the life science supply chain has been disrupted over the last year. We believe that every researcher across the world should be able to connect with the thousands of global CROs that exist and have the opportunity to work together.

sequencher gene codes

From Argentina to New Zealand, use this map to connect with a CRO near you. Click on a specific country, scroll on the map itself or type into the search bar at the top-there are many ways to find the location and suppliers that you’re looking for. Updated nightly, this map features all of the available CROs within our network, so you can order services with a few clicks. It was created to help researchers in the life sciences identify and connect with contract research organizations (CROs) based on geography. Gene Codes is currently working with the DNA Shoah Project whose aim is to identify remains of those killed during the holocaust.The Contract Research Map is owned and maintained by. This system was also used to identify those killed in the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake.


These profiles are generated by sequencing a series of genetic markers including mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), short tandem repeats (STRs) and single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs).


This software records DNA profiles and finds matches in specimen sample profiles. This effort resulted in the Mass Fatality Identification SYStem, MFISYS (pronounced “emphasis”). In the wake of the Septemattacks, Gene Codes dedicated much of their resources to the identification of the victims. The latest version, Sequencher 4.8 was released in October 2007. In the following years, Sequencher has established a very wide customer base across academic, government, and pharmaceutical laboratories. In 1991, the DNA sequence assembly and analysis software, Sequencher, was released. Gene Codes Corporation was founded in 1988 in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Additional information about forensic software developed by Gene Codes can be found here Gene Codes developed the software that was used for DNA identification of most of the victims of the 2001 World Trade Center attack. In addition to its commercial business, Gene Codes dedicates an large portion of its talents to humanitarian efforts. Its flagship software product, Sequencher, is widely used by researchers at academic and government labs as well as biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies for DNA sequence assembly. Based in Ann Arbor, Michigan, Gene Codes conducts business in over 40 countries world wide. Gene Codes Corporation is a privately-owned international firm specializing in bioinformatics software for DNA sequence analysis.

Sequencher gene codes